Respect for Life

Ideas for Respect for Life Ministries

USCCB Action Guides

The USCCB prepares Action Guides each year to help us integrate respect for human life into our ministries.


Pastoral Plan for Pro Life Activities


The Four Core Foundations of Respect for Life:

  1. Prayer and Worship
  2. Pastoral Care for Women
  3. Public Information and Education
  4. Public Policy

In our parish, we:

Formed a Spiritual Adoption Program

Spiritual Adoption

Celebrated a Respect for Life Mass

Prayed the Rosary for the Month of October

Set up a Diaper Drive for our local Pregnancy Resource Center

Found ways to connect service activities with the liturgical season. One example: on Holy Thursday, parishoners donated new towels that were brought to a homeless shelter in need.

Set up a minstry for the homebound/shut-ins.  We placed an ad in the parish bulletin to reach out to our parishioners. We formed a team, made phone calls and visits, and helped out with their needs.  

Set up a workshop on adoption and foster care

Created an end of life forum 

Presented an educational evening on bioethics topics
